DISTRHO Plugin Framework
OpenGLImage Member List

This is the complete list of members for OpenGLImage, including all inherited members.

draw(const GraphicsContext &context) (defined in OpenGLImage)OpenGLImageinline
drawAt(const GraphicsContext &context, const Point< int > &pos) overrideOpenGLImagevirtual
drawAt(const GraphicsContext &context, int x, int y) (defined in OpenGLImage)OpenGLImageinline
drawAt(int x, int y)OpenGLImage
drawAt(const Point< int > &pos)OpenGLImage
format (defined in ImageBase)ImageBaseprotected
getFormat() const noexceptImageBase
getHeight() const noexceptImageBase
getRawData() const noexceptImageBase
getSize() const noexceptImageBase
getType() const noexceptOpenGLImageinline
getWidth() const noexceptImageBase
ImageBase(const char *rawData, uint width, uint height, ImageFormat format)ImageBaseprotected
ImageBase(const char *rawData, const Size< uint > &size, ImageFormat format)ImageBaseprotected
ImageBase(const ImageBase &image)ImageBaseprotected
isInvalid() const noexceptImageBase
isValid() const noexceptImageBase
loadFromMemory(const char *rawData, const Size< uint > &size, ImageFormat format=kImageFormatBGRA) noexcept overrideOpenGLImagevirtual
loadFromMemory(const char *rdata, uint w, uint h, ImageFormat fmt=kImageFormatBGRA) (defined in OpenGLImage)OpenGLImageinline
OpenGLImage(const char *rawData, uint width, uint height, ImageFormat format=kImageFormatBGRA)OpenGLImage
OpenGLImage(const char *rawData, const Size< uint > &size, ImageFormat format=kImageFormatBGRA)OpenGLImage
OpenGLImage(const OpenGLImage &image)OpenGLImage
OpenGLImage(const char *rawData, uint width, uint height, GLenum glFormat)OpenGLImageexplicit
OpenGLImage(const char *rawData, const Size< uint > &size, GLenum glFormat)OpenGLImageexplicit
operator!=(const ImageBase &image) const noexcept (defined in ImageBase)ImageBase
operator=(const OpenGLImage &image) noexceptOpenGLImage
ImageBase::operator=(const ImageBase &image) noexceptImageBase
operator==(const ImageBase &image) const noexcept (defined in ImageBase)ImageBase
rawData (defined in ImageBase)ImageBaseprotected
size (defined in ImageBase)ImageBaseprotected
~OpenGLImage() overrideOpenGLImage