DISTRHO Plugin Framework
NanoVG Member List

This is the complete list of members for NanoVG, including all inherited members.

Align enum name (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
ALIGN_BASELINE enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
ALIGN_BOTTOM enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
ALIGN_CENTER enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
ALIGN_LEFT enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
ALIGN_MIDDLE enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
ALIGN_RIGHT enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
ALIGN_TOP enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
arc(float cx, float cy, float r, float a0, float a1, Winding dir)NanoVG
arcTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius)NanoVG
beginFrame(const uint width, const uint height, const float scaleFactor=1.0f)NanoVG
beginFrame(Widget *const widget)NanoVG
BEVEL enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
bezierTo(float c1x, float c1y, float c2x, float c2y, float x, float y)NanoVG
boxGradient(float x, float y, float w, float h, float r, float f, const Color &icol, const Color &ocol)NanoVG
BUTT enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
CCW enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
circle(float cx, float cy, float r)NanoVG
CREATE_DEBUG enum valueNanoVG
CreateFlags enum nameNanoVG
createFontFromFile(const char *name, const char *filename)NanoVG
createFontFromMemory(const char *name, const uchar *data, uint dataSize, bool freeData)NanoVG
createImageFromFile(const char *filename, ImageFlags imageFlags)NanoVG
createImageFromFile(const char *filename, int imageFlags)NanoVG
createImageFromMemory(const uchar *data, uint dataSize, ImageFlags imageFlags)NanoVG
createImageFromMemory(const uchar *data, uint dataSize, int imageFlags)NanoVG
createImageFromRawMemory(uint w, uint h, const uchar *data, ImageFlags imageFlags, ImageFormat format)NanoVG
createImageFromRawMemory(uint w, uint h, const uchar *data, int imageFlags, ImageFormat format)NanoVG
createImageFromRGBA(uint w, uint h, const uchar *data, ImageFlags imageFlags)NanoVG
createImageFromRGBA(uint w, uint h, const uchar *data, int imageFlags)NanoVG
createImageFromTextureHandle(GLuint textureId, uint w, uint h, ImageFlags imageFlags, bool deleteTexture=false)NanoVG
createImageFromTextureHandle(GLuint textureId, uint w, uint h, int imageFlags, bool deleteTexture=false)NanoVG
currentTransform(float xform[6])NanoVG
CW enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
degToRad(float deg)NanoVGstatic
ellipse(float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry)NanoVG
fillColor(const Color &color)NanoVG
fillColor(const int red, const int green, const int blue, const int alpha=255)NanoVG
fillColor(const float red, const float green, const float blue, const float alpha=1.0f)NanoVG
fillPaint(const Paint &paint)NanoVG
findFont(const char *name)NanoVG
fontBlur(float blur)NanoVG
fontFace(const char *font)NanoVG
fontFaceId(FontId font)NanoVG
FontId typedef (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
fontSize(float size)NanoVG
getContext() const noexceptNanoVGinline
globalAlpha(float alpha)NanoVG
globalTint(Color tint)NanoVG
HOLE enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
IMAGE_FLIP_Y enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
IMAGE_GENERATE_MIPMAPS enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
IMAGE_PREMULTIPLIED enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
IMAGE_REPEAT_X enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
IMAGE_REPEAT_Y enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
ImageFlags enum name (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
imagePattern(float ox, float oy, float ex, float ey, float angle, const NanoImage &image, float alpha)NanoVG
intersectScissor(float x, float y, float w, float h)NanoVG
linearGradient(float sx, float sy, float ex, float ey, const Color &icol, const Color &ocol)NanoVG
LineCap enum name (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
lineCap(LineCap cap=BUTT)NanoVG
lineJoin(LineCap join=MITER)NanoVG
lineTo(float x, float y)NanoVG
MITER enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
miterLimit(float limit)NanoVG
moveTo(float x, float y)NanoVG
NanoVG(NVGcontext *context)NanoVGexplicit
pathWinding(Winding dir)NanoVG
quadTo(float cx, float cy, float x, float y)NanoVG
radialGradient(float cx, float cy, float inr, float outr, const Color &icol, const Color &ocol)NanoVG
radToDeg(float rad)NanoVGstatic
rect(float x, float y, float w, float h)NanoVG
rotate(float angle)NanoVG
ROUND enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
roundedRect(float x, float y, float w, float h, float r)NanoVG
scale(float x, float y)NanoVG
scissor(float x, float y, float w, float h)NanoVG
skewX(float angle)NanoVG
skewY(float angle)NanoVG
SOLID enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
Solidity enum name (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
SQUARE enum value (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG
strokeColor(const Color &color)NanoVG
strokeColor(const int red, const int green, const int blue, const int alpha=255)NanoVG
strokeColor(const float red, const float green, const float blue, const float alpha=1.0f)NanoVG
strokePaint(const Paint &paint)NanoVG
strokeWidth(float size)NanoVG
text(float x, float y, const char *string, const char *end)NanoVG
textAlign(Align align)NanoVG
textAlign(int align)NanoVG
textBounds(float x, float y, const char *string, const char *end, Rectangle< float > &bounds)NanoVG
textBox(float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, const char *string, const char *end=nullptr)NanoVG
textBoxBounds(float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, const char *string, const char *end, float bounds[4])NanoVG
textBreakLines(const char *string, const char *end, float breakRowWidth, TextRow &rows, int maxRows)NanoVG
textGlyphPositions(float x, float y, const char *string, const char *end, GlyphPosition &positions, int maxPositions)NanoVG
textLetterSpacing(float spacing)NanoVG
textLineHeight(float lineHeight)NanoVG
textMetrics(float *ascender, float *descender, float *lineh)NanoVG
transform(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f)NanoVG
transformIdentity(float dst[6])NanoVGstatic
transformInverse(float dst[6], const float src[6])NanoVGstatic
transformMultiply(float dst[6], const float src[6])NanoVGstatic
transformPoint(float &dstx, float &dsty, const float xform[6], float srcx, float srcy)NanoVGstatic
transformPremultiply(float dst[6], const float src[6])NanoVGstatic
transformRotate(float dst[6], float a)NanoVGstatic
transformScale(float dst[6], float sx, float sy)NanoVGstatic
transformSkewX(float dst[6], float a)NanoVGstatic
transformSkewY(float dst[6], float a)NanoVGstatic
transformTranslate(float dst[6], float tx, float ty)NanoVGstatic
translate(float x, float y)NanoVG
Winding enum name (defined in NanoVG)NanoVG