DISTRHO Plugin Framework
CairoImage Member List

This is the complete list of members for CairoImage, including all inherited members.

CairoImage(const char *rawData, uint width, uint height, ImageFormat format)CairoImage
CairoImage(const char *rawData, const Size< uint > &size, ImageFormat format)CairoImage
CairoImage(const CairoImage &image)CairoImage
draw(const GraphicsContext &context) (defined in CairoImage)CairoImageinline
drawAt(const GraphicsContext &context, const Point< int > &pos) overrideCairoImagevirtual
drawAt(const GraphicsContext &context, int x, int y) (defined in CairoImage)CairoImageinline
format (defined in ImageBase)ImageBaseprotected
getFormat() const noexceptImageBase
getHeight() const noexceptImageBase
getRawData() const noexceptImageBase
getSize() const noexceptImageBase
getSurface() const noexceptCairoImageinline
getWidth() const noexceptImageBase
ImageBase(const char *rawData, uint width, uint height, ImageFormat format)ImageBaseprotected
ImageBase(const char *rawData, const Size< uint > &size, ImageFormat format)ImageBaseprotected
ImageBase(const ImageBase &image)ImageBaseprotected
isInvalid() const noexceptImageBase
isValid() const noexceptImageBase
loadFromMemory(const char *rawData, const Size< uint > &size, ImageFormat format=kImageFormatBGRA) noexcept overrideCairoImagevirtual
loadFromMemory(const char *rdata, uint w, uint h, ImageFormat fmt=kImageFormatBGRA) (defined in CairoImage)CairoImageinline
loadFromPNG(const char *pngData, uint dataSize) noexceptCairoImage
operator!=(const ImageBase &image) const noexcept (defined in ImageBase)ImageBase
operator=(const CairoImage &image) noexceptCairoImage
ImageBase::operator=(const ImageBase &image) noexceptImageBase
operator==(const ImageBase &image) const noexcept (defined in ImageBase)ImageBase
rawData (defined in ImageBase)ImageBaseprotected
size (defined in ImageBase)ImageBaseprotected
~CairoImage() overrideCairoImage